1.The club's social, political and economic significance dwarfs that of any other club in the world, with the possible exception of Barcelona.
2.With the possible exception of a tiny minority of its members, the politicians of the Second Republic were a despicable horde.
3.Nowhere else in the modern world--with the possible exception of Singapore--has there been a comparable achievement.
4.However, with one possible exception on which I will elaborate in a moment, the healing process should not leave major scars.
5.And all, with the possible exception of Georgia, see closer ties with the EU as a way of persifying risks rather than antagonising Russia.
6.With the possible exception of the roller-derby in California, none will create as much commotion as the contest in Texas.
7.The application is designed as a whole in all of its completeness, including all of the possible exception situations.
8.With the possible exception of women seeking managerial jobs, they are also more likely to be hired, paid well, and promoted.
9.War is expensive and during the credit crunch everything to do with war has got more expensive, with the possible exception of fuel.
10.Online retailers have to get their offering in shape (with the possible exception of luxury products) and get users on their sites.